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Do you need to pass the General Navigation exam at ATPL? Based on favorable references from the first courses, we have prepared another course for practical solutions to your questions.

Are you preparing for the GNAV subject at the ATPL exam? We have a test-based course for you.

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During the course, we will teach you the principles and methods of calculation together with the solution of all available types of questions. This course focuses directly on practical solutions to questions so that you have the chance to pass the exam and save a significant amount of time thinking about solving them.

After previous experience, we have extended the course to the weekend, because there is a lot of materials for interpretation and our goal is to prepare you well for the exam. During its course, we will focus on real and practical solutions to individual types of calculations with an emphasis on proactive and individual forms of solving them.

Tutorial courses take place in the Fly for Fun classroom at Sazená Airport. The minimum number of applicants is 5 people. The price of the weekend course includes printed materials with all the issues discussed, including individual procedures for their calculation. These help materials are designed so that you can come back to them at any time after the course. 

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According to the responses of GNAV tutors from the previous course, the method of explaining the calculation principle is simple and understandable. That is why we hope that it will also be appreciated by you. Good luck with your exams!


The price is approx. € 168 (203 with VAT)